Collective Worship Policy – Feb 2024
Planning – Spring Term 2
Week 1 – Generosity – Why is it important to help others?
Week 2 – Generosity – What is temptation?
Week 3 – Who is the light and hope of the World?
Planning – Spring Term 1
Week 1 – Generosity – What is Epiphany?
Week 2 – Generosity – How and why were the Wise Men generous?
Week 3 – Generosity – Can you be generous without spending or giving money?
Week 4 – Generosity – How could you use less of something to make sure someone else has enough?’
Week 5 – Generosity – How does being generous make us feel?
Week 6 – Generosity – How can learning about the world help us?
Planning – Autumn Term 2
Week 6 – Compassion – What helps you to feel peaceful?
Week 5 – Compassion – Advent – How was Mary calm and bright?
Week 4 – Compassion – How can we care for our world?
Week 3 – Compassion – How can we be a good neighbour to those around us?
Week 2 – Compassion / Anti-Bullying Week – How can we make life lighter?
Week 1 – Compassion – What does it mean to “walk in someone else’s shoes”?
Planning – Autumn Term 1
These Home School Values will help explore aspects of your faith together.
Home School Values – Compassion
In- school Collective Worship:
All children take part in a daily act of Collective Worship. As a church school we follow a Christian calendar of festivals and national themes such as Anti-Bullying Week and the Coronation.
Our act of Worship is an important part of the day and the content reflects the schools Christian Values whilst acknowledging the wider world. Time is spent listening, singing, praying and reflecting. All members of the teaching staff lead Collective Worship. It is planned on a value from Values for Life/ Roots and Fruits (Imaginor).
Within Collective Worship the children are given the opportunity to reflect not only on the subject matter within the Collective Worship but also on current events throughout the world. This provides a safe environment for the children to consider and empathize with people and communities who are less fortunate than themselves, or who have suffered in unforeseeable events.
Some of the children are selected to be on a small worship team where they plan and deliver a collective worship on the current value for life. This will include songs, prayers, stories and other activities chosen by the worship team.
A weekly prayer leader from Class 1 and Class 2 is chosen to lead the daily prayers. TSP (Thank you, Sorry, Please) prayers are used as a template for child-led prayers.
A worship table/ board in the hall reflects the current value for life with prompts / questions and objects.
External visitors for Collective Worship:
Representatives from the local church are invited to take part or lead our Worships. Parents/carers and members of the wider community are also invited to attend Worships every term. The children themselves requested that they present samples of their work and take a greater leadership role as part of these Worships, which are hosted in St Giles Church. To maintain the link between the school and church, the Parish Vicar is invited to attend these Celebration Worships to take an active role. Our Foundation Governors, as the representatives from the Diocese, are also invited.
Parents/Carers wishing their child/children to be withdrawn from all religious education and Collective Worship should contact the Headteacher.
Once a term we welcome M.A.S.T. (Matlock Area Schools Trust), who present Bible Stories to the children using puppetry. Our Benefice Vicar visit will take services either in school or in the church.