May Pole performance 2021

July 12, 2021By Uncategorized

  This year the May Pole performance was undertaken on two separate occasions to a maximum audience of 30 people due to the Covid Pandemic restrictions. On Tuesday 6th and Friday 9th July the pupils performed 4 modern dances around the May Pole , songs and 4 very powerful poems about Dementia. These were written … Read More

Renewing our link to Uganda

July 5, 2021By Uncategorized

Adhering to government guidelines the children and staff were pleased to welcome to the school a new friend from Uganda Mary Cholok who is an International Ugandan netball athlete.  She came to share her experiences as a child and young person whilst living in her home in Uganda. Mary plays international netball with a former … Read More

Speak Out – Stay Safe – NSPCC

July 2, 2021By Uncategorized

0800 1111 – Child line On Friday 2nd July the pupils met Buddy, a friendly, green speech bubble who believes that children should be able to speak out to someone if they’re worried or unhappy. Unfortunately Buddy couldn’t be there in person this year due to the current climate, but his representatives Ant & Dec … Read More

Litter Pick

July 2, 2021By Active Across Ages, Uncategorized

        On Tuesday 29th June the pupils of Hartington School undertook a Litter pick, with their Community Buddies – ‘Silver Sports’, around the litter ‘hot spots’  of the village. This  involved the pupils going around their allotted area with a litter picker, protective gloves and a pink refuse bags searching for discarded … Read More

Wild Flower Gardens

July 2, 2021By Active Across Ages, Uncategorized

Wednesday 23rd June – On a beautiful summer’s day, in June, members of the school and community met together in the open air of the church yard to study the newly sown wild flower garden. This is only one of six areas that have been seeded to create  a wild flower trail across the village. … Read More

MAST ‘Jesus & the Children’

June 25, 2021By RE & Collective Worship, Uncategorized

It was lovely to be able to invite Mr & Mrs Briddon from MAST, into  the school today to deliver their puppet assemblies now that the restrictions have been reviewed. Staff kept the visit very ‘hush hush’ and as the children entered the hall they were excited to be greeted by their favourite puppet show. … Read More


June 22, 2021By Uncategorized

On Monday 21st June the year 3,4,5 and 6 pupils undertook level 1 bikeability on the school yard delivered by Nicola Dick. The children learned how to adjust their helmets to fit properly, check the bikes to ensure they were road worthy and finally to make sure that the clothes they were wearing were suitable … Read More

Royal mail ‘Heroes’ stamp design + Captain Tom’s 100

June 22, 2021By Uncategorized

For more than 50 years Royal Mail’s Special Stamp programme has commemorated British history and achievement. Stamps have also been issued to honour the achievements of many British people. Often, the people who appear on stamps are already famous. They include scientists and explorers, writers, artists, musicians, athletes, and Prime Ministers. Since the coronavirus pandemic … Read More


June 15, 2021By Uncategorized

Thursday 10th June Some parts of the world have seen the annular eclipse or so-called ring of fire in full, but from the UK there has been a partial solar eclipse. Thanks to Patrick Poitevin of ‘Scopes4sen’ our children were able to use safe solar filters and glasses to get a brief glimpse of the … Read More

Blue Peter recipient

May 20, 2021By RE & Collective Worship, Uncategorized

  Our school community is tremendously proud of an older pupil who during the first lock down, demonstrated our school vision of ‘Loving our neighbour as we love ourselves’ Luke 10-27. She single handily raised over £3000 for the Christies NHS foundation Trust,  New Cancer Centre in Macclesfield by running ’50 MILES IN 50 DAYS’. … Read More