Litter Pick

LoveWhereYouLive Campaign Resources | Keep Britain Tidy





On Tuesday 29th June the pupils of Hartington School undertook a Litter pick, with their Community Buddies – ‘Silver Sports’, around the litter ‘hot spots’  of the village. This  involved the pupils going around their allotted area with a litter picker, protective gloves and a pink refuse bags searching for discarded rubbish. The pink bags are an initiative implemented by the local council to encourage communities to actively care for their locality. When left by the bins they are then honor bound to collect them free of charge.

The school were both excited and humbled to be invited to become an active participant in this community project. The idea was founded by ex pupils of the school when they had observed multiple incidents of litter being dropped when  involved in activities around the village. This prompted them to take action and formally write to the Parish Council regarding this matter.

One of the children was heard saying ‘We do make a difference don’t we! The visitors sitting over there have been clapping and saying what a brilliant job we are doing and how wonderful it is to see children caring for their community and village. ‘

One of the ‘Silver Sports’ who is new to the village and the Active Buddy Scheme reported later to the school ‘They seem a very happy and well behaved group, who were very good at talking to us oldies – not a common skill these days!’

The children are looking forward to their next challenge.

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Tues 22nd – 8.30am Tempest Photo’s Families & Individual
Tues 22nd – 11am Flu Immunisation
Thurs 24th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Fri 25th – 8.30am Tempest Photo’s Families & Individual
Fri 25th – Break for Half Term

Mon 4th – Back to school
Sat 9th – School Christmas Fair
Fri 22nd – Schools Together

Fri 29th – MAST Assembly

Thurs 12th – Nativity 6pm followed by Pie & Peas at the Village Hall
Mon 16th – Chester Zoo Visit
Weds 18th – Panto Buxton Opera House – Jack & the Beanstalk
Thurs 19th – Christmas Dinner
Fri 20th – Christmas Party then break for Christmas Holidays