Renewing our link to Uganda

Adhering to government guidelines the children and staff were pleased to welcome to the school a new friend from Uganda Mary Cholok who is an International Ugandan netball athlete.  She came to share her experiences as a child and young person whilst living in her home in Uganda. Mary plays international netball with a former friend of the school, Peace Proscovia,  who now resides in Australia. The children were excited to demonstrate their prowess at May Pole dancing and share information with each other about life in villages situated on different continents.

Although Mary was only at the school for a short period of time due to a prior engagement with the BBC she left a lasting impression on the children. The school council quickly expressed their desire to continue the project that began 4 years ago with Peace and interview Mary about how the school could help young people living in her village. Hopefully once the netball championships have concluded this month there will be an opportunity for Mary to return to the school, so a plan of action can be created.

It is with thanks to Liz Broomhead that this friendship continues to be upheld and educates the children to the understanding that not all children within the world are granted the same rights that they have.



Weds 4th – Autumn Term 1 begins
Thurs 12th – Severn Trent Assembly 10.15am
Mon 16th – Swimming begins
Thurs 26th – Governor’s Meeting
Fri 27th – MAST Assembly 10.30am

Thurs 3rd – PTA AGM 3.30pm
Tues 8th – 9.15am MAST Assembly
Tues 22nd – 8.30am Tempest Photo’s Families & Individual
Tues 22nd – 11am Flu Immunisation
Fri 25th – Break for Half Term

Mon 4th – Back to school
Sat 9th – School Christmas Fair
Fri 22nd – Schools Together

Thurs 12th – Nativity 6pm
Weds 18th – Panto Buxton Opera House – Jack & the Beanstalk
Thurs 19th – Christmas Dinner
Fri 20th – Christmas Party then break for Christmas Holidays