D-Day Commemoration

This past week the children have been thinking about D-Day and what this means. During worship the children have been listening to the story ‘Finding Alfie’ by Michael Morpurgo. They have thoroughly enjoyed this story and it was commented that as they were listening to the ending ‘you could hear a pin drop’. This was linked to the value of Peace that the children were able to focus and reflect upon last term.

As part of the village commemoration events for the 80th anniversary of D-Day the children had a special worship with Sarah Lacey, Anna Chaplain from St. Giles’ Church. Sarah helped to build on the children’s knowledge and understanding of some of the events of D-Day and the special significance this had for the turning of events in the second world war.

On Thursday, 6th of June 2024 the school were invited to join in a short service of Remembrance at the village war memorial, led by Reverend John Fountain. The children listened as recounts from D-Day we read out and then the last post sounded to mark the start of a 2 minutes silence. A final prayer of remembrance was said and everyone joined in.



Thurs 3rd – PTA AGM 3.30pm
Tues 8th – 9.15am MAST Assembly
Thurs 10th – Parent Consultations
Fri 11th – Harvest Festival in Church 2.30pm
Tues 22nd – 8.30am Tempest Photo’s Families & Individual
Tues 22nd – 11am Flu Immunisation
Thurs 24th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Fri 25th – Break for Half Term

Mon 4th – Back to school
Sat 9th – School Christmas Fair
Fri 22nd – Schools Together

Fri 29th – MAST Assembly

Thurs 12th – Nativity 6pm followed by Pie & Peas at the Village Hall
Mon 16th – Chester Zoo Visit
Weds 18th – Panto Buxton Opera House – Jack & the Beanstalk
Thurs 19th – Christmas Dinner
Fri 20th – Christmas Party then break for Christmas Holidays