Stranger Danger & Bowls

April 13, 2017By Uncategorized

PCSO Anthony Boswell visited school again today (Friday 7th April) to deliver a session on “Stranger Danger” to the children. He was joined by British Crown Green Bowling coach Vik Poke who taught the children the skills they need to become future Crown Green Bowling champions!  This work is part of the continuing relationship the … Read More

Self Service Lunch

April 12, 2017By Uncategorized

The re-introduction of an old tradition – Self Service Lunch. The children were delighted to take charge at lunch time and dish-up their own meals on the final day of term. This is to become a regular feature and helps to promote British Values.    

Sound Science

April 12, 2017By Uncategorized

During this half term the children in KS2 have been learning about sounds in science.  The highlight of the unit was learning about pitch when we invited a local brass band player into school.  During the afternoon we were given a demonstration of how the three instruments (a cornet, trombone and a tenor horn) sounded … Read More


April 6, 2017By Uncategorized

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”37″ gal_title=”Netball”] On a lovely, sunny, April day there was great excitement as five children set off to join years 3 and 4 from Biggin to play High 5 Netball at QEGS. We had a “Secret Weapon”, Peace Proscovia from Uganda who is studying at Loughborough University and playing netball for the Super League … Read More

Smoking Prevention Talk

March 31, 2017By Uncategorized

Friday 31st March, as part of the Healthy School Community Award Karen Mycock, one of the Healthy School Practitioners came into school to talk to the Year 5 and 6 children about smoking and its effects. This is part of a programme to help educate children in the dangers to health, smoking can cause. The … Read More


March 27, 2017By Uncategorized

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”33″ gal_title=”Cricket”] Hartington and Fitzherbert have joined together to bring the Derbyshire Cricket Board to their schools. The objectives  of the six sessions are to: Engage more children in high quality cricket coaching and games based learning across the country. To develop transferable fundamental movements and cricket skills needed to play a range of … Read More

PE & Schools Sports Conference

March 27, 2017By Uncategorized

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”34″ gal_title=”PE & Schools Sports Conference”] Friday 17th March Upper Key Stage 2 pupils attended a PE and School Sport Conference at Anthony Gell School, Wirksworth. This was training to help the pupils become PE/School Sports Organiser Crews (SSOC). Having achieved the School Games Mark Silver Award in 2015/16 the school is now working … Read More