First Aid

June 15, 2023By News

On Friday 9th June the whole school undertook first aid training delivered by Instilling Inspiration Limited. This is a life skill and part of the school PSHE program. The whole school were fully engaged in these practical and informative sessions. We look forward to welcoming them again next year. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”80″ gal_title=”First Aid 2023″]


June 15, 2023By News

Friday 9th June 2023 saw the Nurture team back in school to undertake six sessions with the class 1 year pupils. They are working with the children to develop friendship groups, plan for transition between year groups and key stages. This is delivered through activities and games which are interactive and fully inclusive.

Hannah Wills – MAST

June 15, 2023By News

On Tuesday 6th June, Hannah Wills from MAST visited the school again to deliver the fourth installment of stories from the old testament through Collective Worship.  The children were fully engaged within the telling of the story of Abraham and Isaac via a power point, which culminated in the singing and performing of the  song … Read More

Visit to Eyam

June 15, 2023By News

On Wednesday 24th May the whole school joined the National Park Rangers to visit Eyam as part of the work the whole school is undertaking to support the re launch of the Hartington Village Trail later this year. As part of the day the Eyam Village Trail was carefully followed and it took us on … Read More

Primary Stars events

June 15, 2023By Uncategorized

During the month of May the school continued participating in cluster school sporting events under the supervision of the provider Primary Stars. These events are meticulously planned which is evident in how they run without incident, but ensure full inclusion and fun for all pupils. These events also provide the opportunity for children from small … Read More


June 15, 2023By Uncategorized

The official Coronation of King Charles lll  took place on Saturday 6th May, but the un-official one was  held by the duck pond within our local community on the Village Green.  Under the direction of Mrs Liz Broomhead MBE (Community Liaison Officer) we undertook the ‘mock crowning’ of our very own King and Queen, following … Read More

Village Walk About

April 27, 2023By News, Uncategorized

As part of the local geography and history curriculum along side the community work the children have begun familiarizing themselves with the village trail and the land marks recorded on it. This work is a prelude to future research regarding the impact of this accessible resource, which will also include a trip to Eyam and … Read More


April 27, 2023By News, Uncategorized

On Tuesday 18th April, Hannah Wills from MAST visited the school to deliver her Bible story  ‘The Story So Far’ – Abraham from the Old Testament. They then sang the song ‘Children of God’ – see link below. On Friday 21st April Mr & Mrs Briddon visited school to deliver the puppet story ‘Stranger on … Read More


April 27, 2023By News, Uncategorized

Friday 31st March, last day of term before the Easter break, was a day full of Easter happiness and excitement. In the morning the class one children visited St Giles Church to complete the Spring display. This consisted of the whole school working together to make their Easter Garden and displaying work around  spring scene … Read More

Red Nose Day

March 21, 2023By News, Uncategorized

On Friday 17th March the children came to school dressed in Red for Red Nose day.  As always the children thoroughly enjoyed having a non uniform day and were all excited to take part in this worthwhile event. Even the catering manager of the school got involved by baking delicious red nose day biscuits, which  … Read More