Hannah Wills

Hannah Wills, from MAST, visited the school on 26th June to deliver a Collective Worship about ‘Jacob & his son – Joseph’ who was sold  into slavery to the Egyptian Pharaoh.

This was delivered through a visual story, puppets and songs and we look forward to continuing our partnership with Hannah during the next academic year.



Tues 2nd – MAST Hannah Wills am
Weds 3rd – NSPCC “Speak out, Stay Safe”
Thurs 11th – Final Church Service
Thurs 11th – Community Lunch 12.15pm in School
Mon 15th – Lea Green Trip -Whole School
Thurs 18th – Leaver’s Assembly
Fri 19th – Cadbury’s World – Whole School
Mon 22nd – INSET
Tues 23rd – INSET