Christmas Market

December 15, 2017By Uncategorized

The PTA held a Christmas Market in Hartington Village Hall on Sunday 3rd December to raise funds. The event ran from 11am to 4pm and was attended by Santa. The event raised a staggering £893.86 on the day.  After expenses of village hall rent and refreshments the total was £632.37. The stalls included cheese, hand … Read More

Celebration Worship

December 5, 2017By Uncategorized

On Friday 2nd December our friend Peace Proscovia from Uganda visited the school to have lunch and talk to the children about what Christmas is like in her home village. As part of the RE topic this term the children are investigating what a Christian Christmas looks like in different places. They asked topical questions … Read More


December 4, 2017By Uncategorized

On Wednesday 22nd November year 5/6 children completed their level 2 Bikeability certificates. This involved them completing riding tasks on the road, using hand signals,  the correct positioning of their bike when approaching a junction, distance to allow when passing a parked car and demonstrating the correct way to perform a U turn in the road … Read More

Tree Planting

December 4, 2017By Uncategorized

Gardening Club- Planting a hedgerow   The Woodland Trust have gifted to the school 30 saplings to form a hedgerow. The children worked in their 3 house teams. The project was in three parts;  Firstly there was a discussion about the environmental importance of hedges, how to plant and care for them. This was held during … Read More


November 27, 2017By Uncategorized

Hartington Children present Tuesday 12th December 6pm in St Giles Church ——————– Followed by ‘Pea & Pie’ Supper 7:30 at School. Tickets only: Adults £5 Children (under 12) £3 – available from school Raffle tickets on sale Large Christmas hamper to be won + many more prizes  

Christmas Market

November 27, 2017By Uncategorized

Christmas Market Sun 3rd Dec 11am – 4pm Hartington Village Hall Click to see poster for more details

British Heart Foundation Swim

November 24, 2017By Uncategorized

On Saturday 18th November the children and staff took part in the British Heart Foundation Sponsored Swim at the Arc in Matlock to raise funds for the appeal. This is an annual event that the school has supported for many years due to a local gentlemen Mr John Dean who is a governor of the … Read More

Children In Need

November 24, 2017By Uncategorized

On Friday 17th November the staff and children all paid £2 to attend school in their pyjamas and bring a teddy bear to school. This was all in aid of Children in Need. As part of the day they made buns, chocolate crispy cakes, decorated biscuits and covered a picture of Pudsey with loose change. … Read More

MAST Assembly

November 24, 2017By Uncategorized

On Friday 17th November Mr & Mrs Briddon from MAST delivered a puppet Collective Worship on the bible story ‘The Shepherd’s Surprise‘.     Although the children were dressed in Pyjamas to raise money for Children In Need they watched the show with awe and were mesmorised throughout the retelling of the story ‘The Shepherd’s … Read More


November 24, 2017By Uncategorized

Pupils at Hartington School ‘REMEMBER’ at 11am on Friday 10th November. As part of their PSHE/History curriculum they made and drew poppies as part of school display to remember our hero’s.