School’s Together

April 18, 2024By Katie BartholomewNews

Hartington and Biggin children came together again on Thursday 21st March for their termly ‘School’s Together’ event hosted by members from the church and community. The children and staff look forward and immensely enjoy the activities, songs and chat whilst enjoying juice and biscuits. The theme for the session was Easter and Holy Week which … Read More

Easter Service – Monday 25th March 2024

April 18, 2024By Katie BartholomewNews

The Easter Service took place on Monday 25th March in St. Giles’ Church in front of a congregation of families, community and friends of the school. The children and RE co-ordinator had worked extremely hard planning a most poignant re-telling of the Easter Story, which is often said to be the most important story in … Read More

STEM Day with Dave Lydford

April 18, 2024By Katie BartholomewNews

It seems almost everyone enjoys playing with ‘Lego; and the children here at Hartington are no exception and on Monday 18th March they enjoyed a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Day. This was delivered by Dave Lydford, who built the world’s first Wells Dressing, all from 20,000 pieces of Lego! The children enjoyed building … Read More

Comic Relief

April 2, 2024By Katie BartholomewNews

On Friday 15th March children all over the country were celebrating the annual event of ‘Comic Relief’. The children were invited to ‘Dress their best,’ but wear an item of red for a £1. The school raised forty pounds for this very worthwhile charity. Katie Kitchen, the school’s catering supervisor made a delicious lunch of … Read More

World Book Day!

April 2, 2024By Katie BartholomewNews

Children’s love and enjoyment of reading is always evident on World Book Day and this year was no exception. On Thursday 7th March the staff and children were invited to dress in any book character they liked and admired then to take a photograph of themselves reading in an unusual place! ‘Katie Kitchen’ dressed as … Read More

New Music Initiative

March 4, 2024By Morag McNultyNews

This term we have our specialist music teacher Rachel Wilkes delivering to the children on Tuesday afternoons. They will be following the Charanga Music School system which is an award-winning primary music education programme. Charanga are passionate about children’s music learning and its potential to help them grow up as kind, curious, and open-minded young … Read More

Cookery Club

March 4, 2024By Morag McNultyNews

Cookery Club takes place each Monday after school and they are getting better and better! Having started with making Cheesy Twists, week two saw them shaking like crazy to make their own butter! After lots of fun and giggles (and tired arms!) Katie labelled up all the individual pats of butter to store them in … Read More

Lent Pause afternoon

February 20, 2024By Morag McNultyNews

This afternoon the children and staff went to St Giles’ Church for an afternoon focusing on the upcoming period of Lent. The afternoon focused on four main areas: · Listening – Lent is for hearing God · Lengthening – Preparing for Christian living · Letting go – A focus on Shrove Tuesday · Keeping going … Read More

A visit from Bemma Akyeampong

February 20, 2024By Morag McNultyNews

On Tuesday 30th of January 2024 Class 1 had a visit in school from an author we have worked with before, called Bemma Akyeampong. Bemma has previously visited the school for African dance workshops and during Covid we had the opportunity, via video call, for her to read to us her story of Ayuda’s messy … Read More

Doodlebug Class 1

February 7, 2024By Katie BartholomewNews

On Friday the 26th of January 2024 the school were visited by Ian Brealey from Doodlebug. He delivered a workshop to support the mental health and well being of the pupils and this was linked to The Growth Mindset. The workshop involved everyone, both children and adults, creating a picture of a cartoon character using … Read More