World Book Day 2022

World Bok Day this year was celebrated a day late, but this did not dampen the enthusiasm of both children and staff. The event was a little different this year and the children asked to host a book sale to support the purchasing of additional books for the Accelerator Reader scheme established within the school. They were delighted with the amount raised, which was £37.70.

Rather than coming to school in the traditional book character costumes as they have done in the past they chose to wear pyjamas, bring in a soft toy and cushion so they could share in bed time reading sessions throughout the day.  The books shared with the children were not their favourites, but were those books which were much loved and read to the staff when they were children.  They enjoyed these books so much that they have requested that this continue next week but without the pyjamas, soft toy and cushion!

To make it feel even cosier,  there was an open fire on the interactive white board. The final reading session of the day culminated in a cup of hot chocolate and home made biscuits sent into school by our catering officer.

Everyone really enjoyed the day and it was a great way to end the first week back.




Weds 4th – Autumn Term 1 begins
Thurs 12th – Severn Trent Assembly 10.15am
Mon 16th – Swimming begins
Thurs 26th – Governor’s Meeting
Fri 27th – MAST Assembly 10.30am

Thurs 3rd – PTA AGM 3.30pm
Tues 8th – 9.15am MAST Assembly
Tues 22nd – 8.30am Tempest Photo’s Families & Individual
Tues 22nd – 11am Flu Immunisation
Fri 25th – Break for Half Term

Mon 4th – Back to school
Sat 9th – School Christmas Fair
Fri 22nd – Schools Together

Thurs 12th – Nativity 6pm
Weds 18th – Panto Buxton Opera House – Jack & the Beanstalk
Thurs 19th – Christmas Dinner
Fri 20th – Christmas Party then break for Christmas Holidays