Well-Being Day

Wednesday 3rd February saw the children at home and at school undertake a wellbeing day as part of Childrens’ Mental Health Week. The children were encouraged to dress in something to ‘Express themselves’.

To mark the start of Children’s Mental Health Week, The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of ‘Place2Be’, sent a message (via U-tube) of support encouraging children and parents to find ways to share their thoughts and feelings, particularly during such a challenging time. This was watched as part of our ‘Mental Health Live Assembly’ by all the children.

They then completed a task called ‘Proud clouds’ where they recorded things they were proud of. This was followed by  discovering the ‘Five Ways to Well-Being’ –
– Be Active
– Take Notice of the World Around You
– Keep Learning
– Connect With Others
– Give

The children in school then undertook a ‘Jump Start Johnny’ session to keep active. They then went on a ‘Sensory Walk’ around the school grounds, using their senses to  watch and feel what’s going on in the world around them. They were asked what could they see, hear, smell, feel or taste? The children then learned  a new skill. They sang ‘The Rainbow Song’ using British Sign Language to identify the different colours. This was followed by them creating a ‘Send a Hug Card’ for some one they hadn’t seen in a while. The afternoon was spent connecting the children in school with their friends who are at present being home schooled.  They played ‘Garden Bird Bingo’, Charades and Pictionary  which culminated in a singing and a general catch up session.

The whole day was enjoyed immensely by the children at home and at school. A huge thank you to Mrs Jones for coordinating the day’s events.



Tues 2nd – MAST Hannah Wills am
Weds 3rd – NSPCC “Speak out, Stay Safe”
Thurs 11th – Final Church Service
Thurs 11th – Community Lunch 12.15pm in School
Mon 15th – Lea Green Trip -Whole School
Thurs 18th – Leaver’s Assembly
Fri 19th – Cadbury’s World – Whole School
Mon 22nd – INSET
Tues 23rd – INSET