Visit to Eyam

On Wednesday 24th May the whole school joined the National Park Rangers to visit Eyam as part of the work the whole school is undertaking to support the re launch of the Hartington Village Trail later this year.

As part of the day the Eyam Village Trail was carefully followed and it took us on an adventure which taught the children about the  Great Plague and its arrival in Eyam in the summer of 1665 via contaminated cloth from London. The trail led the children around the village and as their journey continued they learnt about the devastating impact this contagious disease had on this small rural community.

The trip culminated in a visit to the local museum where they were each provided with a quiz to complete, which everyone became fully engaged in and enjoyed immensely.  The day was a resounding success and thanks need to be given to Rose and her Rangers. We are proud to be an Ambassador School for the National Park.



Mon 3rd – INSET Day
Tues 4th – Tempest Group Photos
Tue 18th – National Park Ranger Day – Whittle Farm day trip
Wed 19th – MAST Hannah Wills am
Thurs 20th – Schools Together
Mon 24th – INSET Day
Tues 25th – Eyam Collective Worship Y2 & Y3
Tues 2nd – MAST Hannah Wills am
Weds 3rd – NSPCC “Speak out, Stay Safe”
Thurs 11th – Community Lunch 12.15pm in School
Mon 15th – Lea Green Trip -Whole School
Tues 16th – Music Concert TBC