To Infinity and Beyond


Youngsters from Hartington C of E Primary School are set to join forces with another rural school and put their singing voices to the test, as part of the Derby and Derbyshire Music Partnership.

Students will be visiting neighbouring school, Taddington and Priestcliffe C of E School on Thursday 20th November for a morning showcase of songs based on the theme of space exploration.

The pairing comes after Leader of the Singing Support Team for Derby and Derbyshire Music Partnership, Rachel Wilkes, visited the schools over a ten-week period last term, to host music workshops with instruments and singing.

She suggested as both schools have small class sizes that they join together for a special performance and now pupils are busy learning four songs based on space travel, ready for the event.

It coincides with Friendship and Respect Week (in conjunction with Anti-Bullying Week organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance), Head Teacher of Hartington C of E Primary School, Tracy Blackwell, says: “We are really looking forward to this opportunity to work with Taddington School and to be able to discuss important issues around friendship and bullying together. It is so important for our children to understand how to work together with children outside of their community.”

To end the summer term with a bang, Hartington C of E Primary School pupils put on a show for teachers, parents and carers to demonstrate what they’d learnt during the Music Partnership programme with Rachel.

Vice Chairman of the School Governor’s, Liz Broomhead MBE, says: “It really was quite amazing to see; the discipline and the empathy, it really was a very moving and emotional experience. All parents and carers could see what a beneficial opportunity it was; seeing every child working together, from ages 5 to 11, it was quite unique.”

Staff are now hoping to base this year’s Nativity play on the space theme, to incorporate singing, instruments, acting and drama, in a bid to build on pupil’s confidence and allow all pupils to work together collaboratively.




Mon 2nd – Last Swimming
Thurs 5th – Schools Together
Thurs 12th – Nativity 6pm followed by Pie & Peas at the Village Hall
Fri 13th – Happy Jumper Day!
Mon 16th – Chester Zoo Visit
Weds 18th – Panto Buxton Opera House – Jack & the Beanstalk
Thurs 19th – Christmas Dinner
Fri 20th – Christmas Party then break for Christmas Holidays

January 2025
Mon 6th – INSET Day
Tues 7th – Back to School