The Story of The Prodigal Son
This morning the children headed up to the village church of St. Giles to attend this terms schools together event, along with the children and staff of Biggin C of E Primary school.
This event was based around the story of the Prodigal son. The children listened to the story and joined in with songs about God’s love for us all. Some of the children had starring roles in the acting out of this story, and KS1 made links back to when they had heard this story in the form of a Godly play in their RE lessons earlier on this year.
We then travelled to different stations around the church to create our own parts of the story using practical resources provided for us. The emphasis being on the father in the story representing God and the sons as us the people.
The children created pictures using a range of media, made objects from the story using modelling clay, looked at different versions of the Bible and built the farm using farm toys. All of these reflected parts of the story of the Prodigal son.
All the children. and many of the adults, enjoyed a biscuit break, kindly made for us by Katie kitchen in the shape of hearts to represent God’s love for all.
The final part of the morning was spent making links between 1 John 3:1 and the story of the Prodigal Son,
‘The Father has loved us so much! He loved us so much that we are called children of God. And we really are his children.’