SAT’s Happy

Two happy children, SAT’s completed!

At the end of  SAT’s  week the year 6 children along with the rest of the school were rewarded with a visit from the company Bugs ‘N’ Bones on Friday 18th May. The children listened attentively to the facilitators as they explained how the morning would unfold. The look on their faces ranged from unbridled excitement to nervous trepidation. As the animals were introduced  this range of emotion was replaced by an eagerness and wonder by all as they found out facts regarding habitats, adaptation, classification and  getting to know the animals personalities. By the end of the morning the children were mini experts, sharing their experiences with each other and they were overheard saying “Wow is it lunch time already.” They couldn’t believe the morning was already over.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”46″ gal_title=”Bugs N Bones”]

Thank you to Bugs ‘N’ Bones for making this experience truly a memorable one!



Tues 4thMAST ~ Hannah Wills
Thurs 6th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Fri 14th – Break for Half Term
Mon 24th – Spring Term 2 begins
Wed 26th – Bemma Book Day KS1
Thurs 27th – Whole School First Aid Training

Tues 4th – Pancake Day
Weds 5th – World Book Day
Thurs 6th – Macclesfield Forest Trip
Fri 14th – Schools Together
Thurs 20th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Tues 25th – MAST ~ Hannah Wills

Fri 4th – Maypole, Easter Egg Hunt & Bonnet Competition

Break for Easter school re-opens Wednesday 23rd April 2025