Accessibility plan 2021 – 2022

Access Plan – Questions for parents to consider – 2021

Access & Inclusion Policy 2021

Anti Bullying Policy 2016

Bomb Threat Policy 2019

British Values 2022

DCC – Children Missing from Education 2022

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2021/2022

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2022/2023

Education Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy – addendum Dec 2020

Education Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy – addendum June 2020

Education Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy – addendum May 2020

Child Protection Record Keeping Guidance for Schools (Including: Transfer, Storage and Retention) 2020

Child Friendly Anti-Bullying policy 2018

Code of Conduct for Staff 2021 

Code of Conduct for Governors 2022

Complaints procedure – 2018

Confidential Reporting Code (Whistleblowing) policy

Confidentiality Policy 2016

Critical Incident Policy 2020

DCC – Critical incident  guidance and plan template

Cyber Bullying Policy 2020

Education of children and young people in care Policy – 2016

Equality Policy 2019

Equality Policy, Statement & Objectives 2023 

Extremism & Radicalisation 2022

EYFS Intimate Care Policy 2019

Force Restraint Policy 2021

Full Lock down Procedure 2019

Intimate Care Policy 2019

Invacuation, Lock down & Evacuation Policy 2019

Lock down Procedure 2019

Lockdown lens May 2020

Low level concerns Policy 2023

Missing Child Policy 2018

Maternity, Paternity, Parental and Adoption Leave Schemes 2021

Menopause Policy 2021

Mental Health & Wellbeing 2022

Mobile Phones – Use in Early Years & Primary School Settings 2021

Moving or Transferring schools 2022

Offsite Visits Policy 2020

Online Safety Policy 2020

Partial Lock down Procedure 2019

Penalty Notices Advice for Parents and Carers 2013

Peer on Peer Abuse Policy 2021

Peer on Peer Abuse – Guidance for schools & Colleges

Physical Environment Accessible Schools Check-list – 2017

Pregnancy, Expectant & Nursing Mothers 2022

Privacy Notice 2015

Private Fostering Policy 2021

Procedures for Managing Allegations against Staff, Carers and Volunteers 2021

Race Equality Policy 2018

Resolution & Escalation Policy 2022

Recruitment & Selection Policy 2021

DCC – Separated Parents Policy 2021

Teachers Pay Policy 2021

Visitors Policy 2022

Work Experience Policy 2019


Safeguarding & HR policies



Tues 2nd – MAST Hannah Wills am
Weds 3rd – NSPCC “Speak out, Stay Safe”
Thurs 11th – Final Church Service
Thurs 11th – Community Lunch 12.15pm in School
Mon 15th – Lea Green Trip -Whole School
Thurs 18th – Leaver’s Assembly
Fri 19th – Cadbury’s World – Whole School
Mon 22nd – INSET
Tues 23rd – INSET