Children learn about the Sikh faith


On Wednesday, 9th March, we welcomed Nazarene Feroze from the Derby Open Centre who came to help us explore more about the Sikh faith using their weddings and food as the theme.

Nazarene began by asking our children about Christian wedding ceremonies they had attended and then she asked Sophia and Sam to become a Sikh bride and groom. She dressed them in traditional costumes that were beautiful with richly decorated fabrics and an elaborate turban for Sam. We learnt that the bride and groom celebrate with two weeks of parties before their actual wedding ceremony in the Gurdwara.


The bride has intricate patterns drawn all over her hands, arms and feet by her friends – they last for many days and show how special she is. Sikhs wear wedding rings. In the ceremony, a length of material joins their hands and they walk around the dias which holds their Holy book – the Guru Granth Sahib. Then the bridegroom puts a special red powder in his bride’s hair.
All of the children tried on different Sikh costumes, which were richly decorated and beautiful, vivid colours. The tunics were long and loose with waistcoats for the boys and the girls had shawls and veils to wear on their heads. They all looked fabulous.
Next, Nazarene showed us the 5 K’s that all Sikhs agree to venerate, known as the Khalsa. They are;
The Kesh – Sikhs promise never to cut their hair and let it grow as a symbol of their faith. They wear a turban to contain it all
The Kangha – a small wooden comb which symbolises cleanliness and keeping their lives tidy and organised
The Kara – a steel bangle worn on the arm, a continuous circle with no beginning or end which reminds Sikhs to behave well
The Kachera – loose cotton shorts worn as underwear as a symbol of leaving old ideas behind and following new, better ones
The Kirpan – originally a warriors sword, now its a tiny copy worn as a symbol of dignity and self-respect to remind Sikhs that they must fight a spiritual battle, defending what is right and upholding the truth.
 Later, Nazareen showed us some typical food from India. She had brought some Puri dough. Each of us had a ball of the dough, which was made from chapatti flour and water, we rolled them out into a round then Nazareen fried them in hot oil for a few secoIMG_7446nds. They puffed up and were absolutely delicious with the chickpea curry she had brought for us to taste.

Everyone agreed that it had been a delightful and informative workshop and we would really like to find out more about Sikhism.



Tues 2nd – MAST Hannah Wills am
Weds 3rd – NSPCC “Speak out, Stay Safe”
Thurs 11th – Final Church Service
Thurs 11th – Community Lunch 12.15pm in School
Mon 15th – Lea Green Trip -Whole School
Tues 16th – Music Concert 2.30pm
Thurs 18th – Leaver’s Assembly
Fri 19th – Cadbury’s World – Whole School
Mon 22nd – INSET
Tues 23rd – INSET