Chester Zoo Trip 16-12-24
What a fantastic way to help bring a very busy autumn term to a successful close and to assess what the children had learnt regarding habitats.
It was a dry but cold day when we set off, but the two-hour trip was well worth it as the day going around the zoo was amazing! All key stages enjoyed their workshops led by keepers from the zoo who were extremely complimentary regarding the children’s knowledge, attitude and behaviour.
There were lots of favourite animals but a clear winner were the penguins as they dived and leapt out of the water and coming up to the glass so the children could almost ‘touch’ them.
It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to be given and was bought about by a generous parent and the incredible fund-raising skills of the PTA which we are all extremely grateful for. The children and staff are already busily planning the next trip which helps to bring the curriculum alive, whilst creating unforgettable memories.