Mast – Mr and Mrs Bridden

December 5, 2023By News

The children continue to enjoy listening to the wonderful stories from the New and Old Testament delivered through the puppetry and story-telling skills of Mr and Mrs Bridden who bring them ‘to life’.   The stories the children have listened to so far within this autumn term are ‘Ruth’ a Harvest Story on Friday 29th September … Read More

Recycling Visit – Wednesday 22nd November

December 5, 2023By News

What a great morning the children had on Wednesday 22nd November, when the local authority Recycling Team visited the school bringing along the vehicle for them to inspect and ask questions. The visit concluded work being taught within the geography and PSHE curriculums regarding the importance for caring for God’s World and reducing their carbon … Read More

Relaunch of the Village Trail 2023

November 27, 2023By News

The School continues to represent the National Park Ranger service and remains an Ambassador School which is now integral to the School’s heritage. During the previous decades, the children within the School were instrumental in helping to create the Hartington Village trail which both the Residents and Visitors of the Village have taken part in … Read More


November 27, 2023By News

Throughout the week, the worships delivered within the School were all linked to Remembrance Sunday, culminating in their own service on Friday 10th November. This was held in the School then was followed by a 2 minute silence at the Village War Memorial. The children are always respectful regarding the history of this poignant service … Read More

Macmillan Fundraising Afternoon

November 27, 2023By News

On Monday 25th September, the School hosted it’s annual Macmillan Fundraising Event. The pupils invited parents and local members of the community for a cake sale, raffle and singing performance. Thank you to everyone who attended the event and who made donations, our grand total is now £356.20 As always, our donation is in memory … Read More

Harvest 2023

November 27, 2023By adminNews

On Monday 23rd October the children took part in their Harvest Worship at the Church in front of Parents, Governors and the community. The children sang and shared poems and prayers with the audience which was lovingly received. The Childrens display in the corner of the Church was changed to include aspects of Harvest.  

Wells Dressing 2023

November 27, 2023By News

We could not wait to welcome back our pupils for the new 2023/24 year. One of our first tasks this term was taking part in the dressing of the Well in Hartington. A tradition which the School has been fortunate to share with the community for a long time. The well design was created within … Read More

White Hall 2023

October 5, 2023By News

On Wednesday 20th September 2023 our Year 6 pupils set off on the annual trip to White Hall. The rain was pouring but it did not deter the pupils (Or Mrs. Fletcher) who all had a wonderful time. Activities while at White Hall included: Mountain Bike Riding, Stream Scrambling, Zip wires, Night time hikes and … Read More

Church Display – God save the King

August 2, 2023By News

The end of academic year church display, ‘God Save the King’. This monumental event in history was marked in the content of the display and the letters written by class 1 to King Charles 111, informing of their own Coronation Day celebrations. The children realise the significance of this event and that they themselves are … Read More

Lea Green 2023

August 2, 2023By News

On Wednesday 19th July the whole school set off for Lea Green for their traditional end of year residential trip, loaded down with bags and praying that the weather would be kind. As always the visit was a huge success as they immersed themselves in the planned events and activities. We would like to thank … Read More