Macmillan Tea Party in memory of ….

September 29, 2020By Uncategorized

On Friday 25th September pupils of Hartington C of E Primary School invited members of the community to join them for a ‘Virtual Macmillan Afternoon Tea’ in memory of Mrs Bel Kerr and to raise funds for the Macmillan charity. Due to the current pandemic the school was unable to invite parents and the community … Read More

Macmillan Coffee Morning

September 22, 2020By Uncategorized

The Macmillan Coffee event falls on Friday 25th September and due to the present Covid-19 pandemic, school will be unable to open its doors to the community for the annual event of coffee and cake. So we came up with a plan with the staff and children along with friends of the school. Historically the … Read More

Wells Dressing 2020

September 18, 2020By Pupils Blog, Uncategorized

The children of Hartington C of E Primary School have been very busy on their return from the summer holidays. They have traditionally dressed a Well for Hartington Wakes and Sports, alongside the village Well, which is situated on the Village Green by the pump. This year was to be no exception. Rather than natural … Read More

Return to school Project

July 24, 2020By Uncategorized

After returning to school in June, as a class we focussed on our school’s core Christian values. This gave the pupils the opportunity to explore the meaning of these values, to talk about and reflect how the values of friendship, compassion, trust, service, respect and generosity had been lived out during lock-down by the children, … Read More

Keep safe on line

March 24, 2020By Uncategorized

During these unprecedented times we are concerned about children visiting lots of different sites to access curriculum based activities. Please be aware that there will be bogus sites out there that will ask your child to sign in. Encourage your child to access the sites that have been uploaded to the Home Learning  page or … Read More

Magna Science Adventure Centre

March 17, 2020By Uncategorized

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”58″ gal_title=”Magna”]   It was with great excitement that we boarded the coach and joined Elton Primary School on the 11th March to visit the Science Adventure Centre at Magna in Rotherham. Class 2 have been learning all about forces in science lessons, so the visit was a great way to experience forces in … Read More

‘Short Ride in a Fast Machine’

March 10, 2020By Uncategorized

Class 2 pupils have undertaken five weeks of music lessons with Rachel Wilkes from Music Partnership. The sessions culminated in a musical performance using voices and playing musical instruments. The lessons were based around the composer  John Adams and a piece of music called ‘Short Ride in a Fast Machine’ which was inspired by a … Read More