Community Lunch

August 2, 2023By News

On Tuesday 18th July the school held a community lunch, which was the first time since before the pandemic. It was lovely to welcome the parents and community back into the school, seeing old familiar faces and some new ones. This was also combined with a presentation to Mrs Flower who is retiring from the … Read More

End of year concert

August 2, 2023By News

On Thursday 13th July the children entertained parents, governors and friends of the school to a musical delight led by Rachel Wilkes from Music Partnership. This was part of the schools annual end of year celebratory event where pupils were provided with the opportunity to show their talents. One of the parents was quoted as … Read More

Commemorative Tree

August 2, 2023By News

Following the planting of a commemorative tree to mark King Charles 111 Coronation, a plaque has been produced and put up to remind everyone of what the tree represents. One of the year two pupils sadly missed the planting of the rowan tree so relished the opportunity to take responsibility for its care and he … Read More

Willow Weaving 2023

August 2, 2023By News

On Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th July Sally Wheal and Claire Butler undertook sessions with the children teaching them the art of willow weaving. They have completed another tree, a deer and badger to add to the other wild animals, down the side of the playground fence, as part of the schools ongoing projects linked … Read More

Dove Valley Centre

August 2, 2023By News

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”81″ gal_title=”Under Whittle 2023″]   On Tuesday 11th July the whole school visited the Dove Valley Centre at Under Whittle Farm along with the Peak National Rangers. Sadly the weather was not to good and this did not ‘Dampen’ the adults or children’s enjoyment of the day. Linked to the geography and science curriculum … Read More

Hannah Wills

August 2, 2023By News

Hannah Wills, from MAST, visited the school on 26th June to deliver a Collective Worship about ‘Jacob & his son – Joseph’ who was sold  into slavery to the Egyptian Pharaoh. This was delivered through a visual story, puppets and songs and we look forward to continuing our partnership with Hannah during the next academic … Read More

Messy Church

August 2, 2023By News

On Thursday 22nd June Rev Adele and her support team visited the school to deliver ‘Messy  Church’ as part of the school’s work with other local church schools regarding the development of Collective Worship and the children’s understanding of stories in the New and Old Testament. This is delivered through a range of practical activities … Read More

Sports Day

August 2, 2023By News

Active Sport is an important part of the school curriculum and helps promote not only physical fitness but also positive mental health and wellbeing, so to be able to share this day with children from our cluster school partnership made this event even more special and meaningful. The whole school looks forward to this day … Read More

May Pole

August 2, 2023By News

On Friday 16th June the children delivered a May Pole performance to parents, governors and friends of the school, in the Village Hall.  The display incorporated traditional dance routines to modern day music. They performed 4 routines and afterwards the adults were asked to join in and have a go! This was followed by afternoon … Read More

MAST – Mr & Mrs Briddon

August 2, 2023By News

Mr & Mrs Briddon visited school on Friday 16th June to deliver their puppet Bible story ‘The Good Samaritan’ as part of the development of the Collective Worship program and making theological pathways between the Bible content and children’s understanding and knowledge of their meaning and being able to reflect and make connections into their … Read More