
March 27, 2017By Uncategorized

Friday 10th February 2017 [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”29″ gal_title=”Urban Centre”] The upper juniors visited the Urban Studies Centre in Chesterfield on the last day of a busy half term learning all about Roman in Britain. Chesterfield has an interesting Roman past and we were looking forward to finding out about the varied artefacts that have been discovered … Read More

Red Nose Day

March 24, 2017By Uncategorized

  Red Nose Day in Hartington School has been linked to the Community Lunch. Local residents joined the children for lunch where they had a raffle, cake and book stall, also they enjoyed  a game or two of bingo to raise money for Red Nose day. Children payed £1 to have the privilege of not … Read More

Local PCSO visits School

March 10, 2017By Uncategorized

As part of our work towards achieving the Healthy School Community Award (Health and Wellbeing), we invited PC Boswell into the school to talk to our children.  Ruby quoted: I found it interesting and helpful to my everyday life because we now know what the consequences will be if we take inappropriate action.   Sam … Read More

Peer Buddy Training (Part 2)

March 10, 2017By Uncategorized

On Wednesday 1st March 2017 the whole school participated in the second part of the Peer Buddy training. The Healthy Child Assistant Practitioners, Dawn Monk and Karen Mycock delivered exciting activities. This is all part of the school working towards achieving the Healthy School Community Award. (Health & Wellbeing)

Pancake Day

February 28, 2017By Uncategorized

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”30″ gal_title=”pancake day”] Pancake racing at Hartington School to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.  

British Heart Foundation

February 28, 2017By Uncategorized

On Friday 24th February – John Dean and  Les Baynton from the British Heart Foundation attended Community Lunch. Following which they then presented the children of Hartington School with the ‘Challenge Trophy’  for raising the most money at the British Heart Foundation swim back in October 2016. They raised a fantastic total of £1729.31 (with … Read More

Peer Buddy Training

February 24, 2017By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 21st February 2017 two Healthy Child Assistant Practitioners,  Dawn Monk and Karen Mycock came to our school to deliver “Peer Buddy Training” as part of the Healthy School Community Award. This is an initiative set up by the Public Health DCHS (NHS). The children took part in various fun activities to help them … Read More

Active Kids Vouchers

February 24, 2017By Uncategorized

We’re collecting again! Please save Active Kids Vouchers from Sainsbury’s and deliver them to our school. The collection box is in the entrance hall.  

Keeping traditions alive

Keeping traditions alive

February 3, 2017By adminUncategorized

Every year. in the month of May  the children perform May Pole dancing to traditional and modern music in Hartington Village Hall.  This is linked to the Flower Festival held at St Giles Church.

Hartington Harvest in St.Giles

Hartington Harvest in St.Giles

February 3, 2017By adminUncategorized

The school children have a display corner in St.Giles Church where they show case their work. This involves a Christmas, Easter, Flower Festival and Harvest display linked to a theme.