Creative writing week & Author visit

Creative writing week & Author visit

January 19, 2024By News

This week in school, children in class 1 have been joined by local author Linda Woodruffe. This is to support and help develop the children’s creative writing skills and work towards producing their own book with characters and setting imagined by themselves. The visit has been hugely successful and the children have approached the tasks … Read More

Community Lunch & Retirement of beloved member of staff

Community Lunch & Retirement of beloved member of staff

January 19, 2024By News, Uncategorized

During the final week of term, the children enjoyed a visit to the pantomime of Cinderella performed at the Opera House in Buxton. This is a tradition both pupils and staff enjoy and it was wonderful to see how animated they all were during the performance. Then later on the final day of the autumn … Read More



January 19, 2024By adminNews

On Friday the 12th of January we were joined in school by Mr and Mrs Briddon from MAST for collective worship. Along with the help of Nicky and Nora the puppets, they told the story of Baby Moses, from Exodus 1-4. As always the children enjoyed the interactive nature of the worship and joined in … Read More

Nativity 2023

Nativity 2023

January 19, 2024By News

  The annual School performance of the Nativity took place at St Giles’ Church in Hartington on Tuesday 12th December. The whole school took part in the production and worked extremely hard to ensure that lines were learnt and songs were perfect with dance moves to match, to deliver the wonderful rendition of this well-known … Read More

Children in Need 2023

Children in Need 2023

December 19, 2023By Uncategorized

Friday 17th November was Children in Need day which the Children always take part in. This year, their request was to come to School in their pyjamas for a donation of £1. Katie Kitchen (the School Catering Supervisor) served Fish, Chips and Peas followed by a homemade Pudsey Biscuit which looked too good to eat, … Read More

Christmas Fayre 2023

Christmas Fayre 2023

December 19, 2023By News

As always, the school’s Parent, Teacher Association worked hard to organise then deliver a hugely successful event. I think it would be safe to say that everyone who attended either as a customer, seller or planner (and in some cases all three), had a marvellous day.   There was a flow of people throughout the … Read More

Learning to Map with the National Park Rangers

Learning to Map with the National Park Rangers

December 13, 2023By News

A member of the National Park Ranger Service was welcomed to the school on Thursday 23rd November to work with the school staff and children to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of how to make, read then follow a map. Children of all year groups accessed differentiated activities where they used a compass to … Read More

Black History Month

Black History Month

December 13, 2023By News

On Tuesday 10th October, the School took part in the ‘Great Big Live’ Assembly to celebrate Black History Month. This year’s theme was ‘Celebrating Sisters’. The Great Big Live Assembly showcased some of the stories of amazing Black women who have made our world a better place. The assembly was hosted by BBCs Gemma Hunt, … Read More

Mast – Mr and Mrs Bridden

Mast – Mr and Mrs Bridden

December 5, 2023By News

The children continue to enjoy listening to the wonderful stories from the New and Old Testament delivered through the puppetry and story-telling skills of Mr and Mrs Bridden who bring them ‘to life’.   The stories the children have listened to so far within this autumn term are ‘Ruth’ a Harvest Story on Friday 29th September … Read More

Recycling Visit – Wednesday 22nd November

Recycling Visit – Wednesday 22nd November

December 5, 2023By News

What a great morning the children had on Wednesday 22nd November, when the local authority Recycling Team visited the school bringing along the vehicle for them to inspect and ask questions. The visit concluded work being taught within the geography and PSHE curriculums regarding the importance for caring for God’s World and reducing their carbon … Read More