Platinum Jubilee Celebration

May 30, 2022By Uncategorized

The Queens Platinum Jubilee is almost upon us and the children are looking forward to being involved within the many invents planned for during the half term week and the extended bank holiday. As part of the celebration the children have been cooking, dancing, making crowns, dressing in Red, White and Blue for the jubilee … Read More

Reverend Adele Barker

May 30, 2022By Uncategorized

The staff and children were very pleased to welcome the newly appointed priest in charge of the White Peak Group, Youlgrave, Middleton, Stanton-in-the-Peak and Birchover during her visit to St Giles Church where the children were having their final lesson of the Easter Story. The children asked inciteful questions and they found  Reverend Adele responses … Read More

Veterinary Talk

May 30, 2022By Uncategorized

On Wednesday 25th May, one of our parents and her colleague, who are veterinary nurses came to school as part of the PSHE curriculum ‘Caring for animals in the environment. The children enjoyed learning about how veterinary practices work and support families with pets to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle and the importance of … Read More

EYFS, Y1 & 2 off-site sports

May 18, 2022By Uncategorized

     Tuesday 17th May the EYFS, year one and year two pupils made the short journey, via mini-bus, to Ashbourne Leisure Centre for a sports extravaganza. The children were so excited when they left in the morning and they all reported what a wonderful time they had had on their return. It is wonderful to … Read More

Beresford Dale

May 18, 2022By Uncategorized

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”70″ gal_title=”Beresford Dale”] On Monday 16th May the whole school visited Beresford Dale as part of the school’s application for the ‘Ambassador Award’. The National Park rangers Rose and Julie led this session with staff support. After many dry days the heavens decided to open on our visit, fortunately it was warm and didn’t … Read More

End of Key stage 2 SATS

May 18, 2022By Uncategorized

Yipee! SATS are over! The school celebrated with cup cakes for the whole school with our year 6 pupil, at the helm, on the final day of tests. The results will be announced in July.

Mega Athletics

May 18, 2022By Uncategorized

On Monday 9th May the EYFS, year 1 and year 2 children, combined with Biggin as  the traditional ‘BiggHarts’ to take part in a Mega Athletics event at Parwich cricket ground hosted by Primary Stars.  This also involved children from other local primary schools as part of the inter sport competition schedule. The children and … Read More


May 17, 2022By Uncategorized

Following the installation of an orienteering course in the school grounds with a more challenging course at Hartington Youth Hostel the key stage 2 pupils are enjoying undertaking activities and challenges during the summer term. This will help to develop key map reading skills, team work, communication, co-operation and leadership qualities. A pupil quoted when … Read More

Seed Planting

May 6, 2022By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 3rd May, as part of the school’s ‘Wild Flower Project’ Mrs Broomhead came to support and help the children plant their seeds, in trays and the new vegetable plot. Wild flowers are part of the vegetable plot regime as they help to attract the pollinating insects needed for a successful crop. They planted … Read More

MAST – The Women at the Well

May 6, 2022By Uncategorized

On Friday 29th April – Mr & Mrs Briddon from MAST made their termly visit to tell the Bible story of ‘The Women at the Well’.  The children love their visits and the interactive puppet presentations they perform. Through these services the whole school learn how the stories Jesus taught us are relevant today.