Pizza & Fruit Salad

November 4, 2022By Uncategorized

  On Friday 21st October (last day of term) the children made pitta bread pizzas and fruit salads as part of the food technology curriculum. It was a lovely way for staff and children to end the term, although it created a lot of clearing up! The pizza smelt gorgeous and I hope all the … Read More

Tag Rugby

October 24, 2022By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 18th October the class 2 pupils made a visit to Parwich to play in a Tag Rugby Competition with Biggin pupils, entering as BiggHarts. The children enjoyed the visit and said that if they played again they thought they would do better due to the coaching they received! One child quoted “I kept … Read More

MAST – Hannah Will

October 24, 2022By Uncategorized

Hannah Will from MAST visited again on Tuesday 18th October to deliver a collective Worship to the whole school. She was pleased to meet the class 1 children, as the last time she visited they were out at a football tournament. As part of the Worship the children sang a song and watched the story … Read More


October 11, 2022By Uncategorized

Mr & Mrs Briddon visited school today (Friday 7th October) to deliver the Bible story ‘God’s Wonderful World’ this was very appropriate as the church display that the children had completed work for,  in time for harvest, was entitled God’s Wonderful World’. The children love their puppet displays and we look forward to welcoming Mr … Read More

Ashbourne Food Bank 2022

October 6, 2022By Uncategorized

On Monday 3rd October, 4 children along with Mrs Broomhead and staff visited the Food Bank at Ashbourne to deliver the harvest donations of non perishable goods donated by parents and members of the village community. This worth while and necessary charity is part of the children’s ongoing understanding of how the teachings of Jesus … Read More

Macmillan 2022

October 5, 2022By Uncategorized

We had a wonderful Macmillan Coffee morning on Friday 30th September. Parents, governors and members of the community  joined the children to have coffee/tea/juice and cake supplied by the expert bakers of Hartington village. The school was over flowing with children and adults, we even had ‘walk-ins’ off the street, the event  was very well … Read More

MAST & Football

October 5, 2022By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 27th September we had a new facilitator, Hannah Will, attend to deliver MAST. This is in addition to Mr & Mrs Briddon from MAST’s puppet shows. She presented the story of  Creation to the children in class 2 as the remainder of the school were participating in an inter school competition of football … Read More

5 Dale Sports Day 2022

October 5, 2022By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 20th September 5 local schools came together at Biggin School for the ‘5 Dales Sports Day’. This year the participating schools were  Parwich, Monyash, Earl Sterndale, Biggin and our selves. Previous pupils and parents might remember this as either 3 or 4 Dales Sports Day, but what ever its title the event was … Read More

Rev Adele

October 5, 2022By Uncategorized

On Thursday 15th September Rev Adele visited the pupils of Hartington School to teach them the Christian seasonal calendar and the different colours of her robes. Some of the children were lucky enough to model these robes and the accompanying sashes. The children discussed the Christian Value of friendship, listened to stories from the Bible … Read More

School Well 2022

September 26, 2022By Uncategorized

The new academic year opened with the traditional dressing of the School Well. The children worked on the well in small groups under the supervision of Mrs Janet Oliver and Mrs Fiona Parsons who are members of the local community. This year we chose the subject of Beresford Dale due to work undertaken in the … Read More