Ofsted Inspection

On Tuesday 25th June, school took the often dreaded call from HM Inspectorate to inform them of a two day Ofsted Inspection beginning the following day.  School had known they were due an inspection and Tracy and staff have been working tirelessly over the eighteen months since the previous inspection to work on the areas they were asked to look at.

At 8am on Wednesday 26th June, the two Ofsted Inspectors arrived and began their inspection.  Every aspect of the school is under scrutiny in an inspection and often “deep dives” into particular curriculum areas are carried out to ensure that what a school says it is teaching is, in fact, understood at depth and permeates into other areas of the curriculum as would be expected.  No subject is ever taught in isolation. 

Mr Chris Davies, the Senior Inspector, spent the two days with us and spoke to pupils, staff, parents and Governors to enable him to have a full picture of how school functions both educationally and in its wider place within the community that surrounds it.

We were very happy to receive an Ofsted Grade of Good. Mr Davies was very impressed by our wonderful pupils, who he spent time talking to and observing working and playing together in school.  Below is the opening paragraph of our Ofsted Inspection report which can be found on the school website under the Parents tab if you would like to read it in full.

“Pupils are rightly proud of their small school. They are known, cared for and nurtured as individuals. They are welcoming and polite. They are happy and safe. Pupils develop a mature understanding of diversity, equality and respect.”   

Mr Chris Davies – HM Inspectorate Ofsted June 2024



Tues 4thMAST ~ Hannah Wills
Thurs 6th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Fri 14th – Break for Half Term
Mon 24th – Spring Term 2 begins
Wed 26th – Bemma Book Day KS1
Thurs 27th – Whole School First Aid Training

Tues 4th – Pancake Day
Weds 5th – World Book Day
Thurs 6th – Macclesfield Forest Trip
Fri 14th – Schools Together
Thurs 20th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Tues 25th – MAST ~ Hannah Wills

Fri 4th – Maypole, Easter Egg Hunt & Bonnet Competition

Break for Easter school re-opens Wednesday 23rd April 2025