MAST – Mr & Mrs Briddon

March 21, 2023By News, Uncategorized

On Friday 17th March Mr & Mrs Briddon were able to visit the school, following the rescheduling of their pre arranged visit due to the heavy snow fall and the school being closed. As always the children sat attentively taking in the content of the Bible story ‘David the Shepherd Boy’. When asked for volunteers … Read More

MAST – Hannah Wills

March 21, 2023By News, Uncategorized

Hannah Wills from MAST visited on Tuesday 28th February to deliver her interactive Collective Worship to the children. This visit saw her re tell the Easter Story with the children taking an active part.

Primary Stars PE

March 21, 2023By News, Uncategorized

Hartington C of E Primary School along with other small rural schools join together for sports sessions on Parwich playing field run by Primary Stars. Following these sessions Hartington decided to engage the services of Primary Stars to deliver PE on a Wednesday afternoon to both classes.  The delivery is dynamic, fast paced and pupils … Read More

Author Visit

March 21, 2023By News, Uncategorized

On Wednesday 8th February the whole school visited Biggin school along with Elton School to meet Fay Evans, an author who has written a book called ‘Dave The Whale’. She undertook workshops with the EYFS/KS1, lower KS2 and upper KS2 pupils. The children appeared to thoroughly enjoy the telling of the story and taking part … Read More

World Book day

March 21, 2023By News, Uncategorized

World Book day fell on Thursday 2nd March but as a school we decided to dress up on Friday so everyone could take part.  Children were asked to chose a word  from the dictionary that they could dress up as. Other pupils had to guess what the word was. The head teacher Mrs Blackwell chose … Read More

Music Partnership

March 21, 2023By News, Uncategorized

Commencing at the start of Spring term 2, Rachel Wilkes from Music Partnership has undertaken music with the EYFS, KS1 and KS2 children. These sessions are delivered for five week and one hour per class on a Tuesday afternoon.  The next block of lessons will be delivered in the summer term and will culminate in … Read More

Ambassador School Assembly

January 31, 2023By News, Uncategorized

On Thursday 26th January, Rose Clarke from the Peak District National Park Authority attended the school to hold an assembly with regard to the school being an Ambassador School.  We  were awarded the recognition of becoming one of only two primary schools to achieve this position of Peak District Ambassador School on the 14th June … Read More

Cross Country – Primary Stars

January 31, 2023By News, Uncategorized

On Tuesday 24th January the whole school travelled to Parwich, on a bus with Biggin children, to undertake a cross country event organised by ‘Primary Stars’. The event involved the EYFS & KS1 children running 600m and the KS2 children 1200m. This experience was rearranged from early November due to bad weather. The occasion involved … Read More

MAST – Hannah Wills

January 31, 2023By News, Uncategorized

Hannah delivered the Bible story Noah’s Ark to the children via a power point and props. They then sang the song ‘Mr Noah Built an Ark’ (link below). This is one of the children’s a favourite story from the old testament so much so that it was one of the  Well content, which was one … Read More


January 23, 2023By News, Uncategorized

Friday 20th January saw Mr & Mrs Briddon make their first visit of the year. The Bible story they performed was ‘Three Brave Men’. via their lovely puppet show. The children, as always thoroughly enjoyed the interactive show.