Harvest Service

October 11, 2021By Uncategorized

The children led their own Harvest Service on Monday 4th October. This included hymns, prayers and the reading of the ‘Parable of the Sower’. Hope you enjoyed our Service. This was a password protected video that has now been removed.  

Archbishop of York – Young Leaders Award

October 11, 2021By Uncategorized

  “Empowering a generation of young people to transform society” Through spring term 2 and summer term 1 the whole school undertook activities whilst working towards the award. This included litter picking in the community, planting wild flower areas to attract bees, learning about Dementia , its effects and raising £360 to support the charity, … Read More

Harvest Display

October 5, 2021By Uncategorized

On Friday 1st October the harvest display was placed in the church in readiness for the Harvest Service on Sunday 3rd October. The service which was led by the  Agricultural Chaplain- Alan Griggs, was a thanks giving celebration of the farmers and the food they produce. All donations from the Harvest collection will be delivered … Read More


September 29, 2021By Uncategorized

Hartington School have invested in a permanent orienteering course, using some of the School Sports Premium Funding. This has included a scheme of work and the setting up of two course, one  around the school and a larger one in the Hartington Youth Hostel grounds. The children and staff were treated to a training session … Read More

Macmillan 2021

September 29, 2021By Uncategorized

Due to the ongoing pandemic it was felt that opening the doors to the community for a coffee morning would not be perhaps in the best interest of our aging community. Therefore we came up with the idea of having a take away cake bake. This involved parents, governors and community members placing orders for … Read More

Year 1/2 Cross Country

September 29, 2021By Uncategorized

On Monday 20th September the year 1/2 children took part in their first ever cross country run. This was over an 800 metre course. The children joined Biggin, Ilam, Fitzherbert and Parwich pupils to experience this Inter competition. The reviews were positive and all the children enjoyed participating in this cross over event despite having … Read More

Cross Country Year 3/4

September 15, 2021By Uncategorized

On Monday 13th September years 3/4/5 & 6 pupils joined Biggin to become “BiggHarts”  and take part in a ‘Cross Country’ event at Parwich. We were joined by Parwich, Ilam and Fitzherbert Primary Schools.  the event involved the Years 3/4 pupils undertaking a course with a distance of 1,150 meters (3/4 mile) and the year5/6 … Read More

From Small Seeds Grow …

September 15, 2021By Uncategorized

As is tradition during the first week of the autumn term  the children took part in the dressing of the school Well under the supervision of Mrs J Oliver and Mrs F Parsons who are members of the local village. The theme of the Well was linked to work undertaken during the previous academic year … Read More

A Sad End to a Rocky Year!

July 27, 2021By Uncategorized

The staff and children were heartbroken when it was announced that the school would have to close  a week earlier than anticipated due to a confirmed case of Covid 19. Since the school is classed as one bubble everyone had to go into isolation for the following ten days. The children were sad and disappointed … Read More

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

July 22, 2021By Uncategorized

As part of the Government initiative to provide all school’s with elected funding to promote pupil catching up in their education during the pandemic. Here at Hartington we felt it was important that the children’s emotional and mental well being was a top priority. After discussions took place between staff and the governing body, the … Read More