Fire Safety

June 29, 2022By Uncategorized

On Monday 27th June during the afternoon a Fire Safety officer visited school as part of the PSHE curriculum. She delivered important life saving skills to children in class 1 and class 2 regarding what to do if there was a fire in their home or the school. These sessions were delivered through practical tasks, … Read More


June 29, 2022By Uncategorized

We are always very pleased to welcome Sarah and Julie the facilitators who deliver the Nurture sessions within school. These are an integral part of the school’s ‘Well-Being Program’ to promote children’s mental health and wellbeing, cognitive, social, emotional and personal development. The children participate in a wide range of activities and opportunities to promote … Read More

Litter Pick

June 29, 2022By Uncategorized

On Monday 20th June the whole school undertook a litter pick around the village as part of the continued work, due to being an Ambassador School for the Peak District National Park.  This day was decided upon because it followed the weekend and the previous litter pick earlier in the year had been in the … Read More

Derby Cathedral & Bishops Badge

June 29, 2022By Uncategorized

Thursday 23rd June saw the whole school make a trip to Derby Cathedral, via coach, to witness the presentation of the Bishops Badge to our special year 6 pupil Sophia Webley. Family, friends and representatives from the Governing body were also present. As part of the ceremony the pupils performed the Bible story ‘Parable of … Read More

Teddy Bears’ Picnic

June 29, 2022By Uncategorized

On Thursday 16th June, class 1, travelled to St Thomas’s Church Biggin, to join children from Biggin School, for a story telling session by Archdeacon Carol Coslett from Derby Diocese,  unfortunately she was unable to attend so Julie took the session. The activity was to connect young children and families from around the area after … Read More

Ambassadors School

June 29, 2022By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 14th July, representatives from The National Peak Park and Rose Clark attended school to present the pupils and school with the  Ambassadors School certificate for work undertaken over a period of a year. Most of the work undertaken, to achieve this award, was completed prior to the Covid pandemic therefore the school was … Read More

Bishops Badge Award

June 14, 2022By Uncategorized

We are delighted to announce that Sophia Webley was nominated, and has been chosen to be one of seven children to receive the Bishop’s Badge Award for her community spirit and commitment to charity work. The whole school will make the journey to Derby Cathedral on Thursday 23rd June to see her presented with her … Read More


June 14, 2022By Uncategorized

Friday 10th June Mr & Mrs Briddon from MAST visited school to present their puppet show on the Bible story the ‘Prodigal Son’. As always the children are full of enthusiasm for these Collective Worships which continue to inspire the children  with their own renditions of these wonderful stories within the Bible.

Vegetable plot

June 14, 2022By Uncategorized

The children were excited to see how their vegetables had grown during the Jubilee Half term. They were delighted to be able to pick radishes and lettuce, which were presented to the catering officer to become part of the school salad bar at lunch time.  The potatoes and peas are coming on and we have … Read More

Scarecrow competition

June 14, 2022By Uncategorized

As part of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations the village held a scarecrow competition of Kings and Queens through the ages. The school decided to portray the present Queen Elizabeth 11. Unfortunately we didn’t win the competition but its the taking part that matters not the winning and we had fun making her.       … Read More