
October 8, 2018By Uncategorized

On Sunday 7th October the children joined the community for the church Harvest Festival service.  They  participated in a poem called ‘This is the World that God made’, sang ‘Share the Light of Jesus’ and ‘I, the Lord of Sea and Sky’, read  poems and prayers. This was followed by the traditional Pea and Pie supper … Read More

MacMillan & Community Lunch

October 8, 2018By Uncategorized

MacMillan Coffee Morning- 28.9.18 Hartington C of E Primary School again hosted this event on behalf of Bell Kerr  a member of the Community of Hartington. It was an amazing success raising £288.35. The children led the way, pricing the cakes and other items and then undertaking the sale of Raffle tickets as well as … Read More

Peace’s Visit to school

October 8, 2018By Uncategorized

Wednesday 26th September 2018 Mrs Broomhead MBE and Peace enjoyed lunch with the children, before going to view the magnificent pumpkin which the children had grown. Peace then helped prepare the hockey equipment ready for a competition the following day.   As afternoon school started we all sat with the children while Peace updated the … Read More

PTA Car Treasure Hunt

September 18, 2018By Uncategorized

Click link below to see further details CAR TREASURE HUNT After a horrendous weather forecast and almost cancelling the event the sun shone for the PTA treasure Hunt. The event was very well supported with a total of 27 cars, all enjoying a cruise through the secret beauty spots of the Peak District. Some enjoying … Read More

Well Dressing

September 18, 2018By Uncategorized

The children of Hartington C of E Primary School continue to practice the traditional art of Well Dressing. The theme this year was the World Cup depicting the Russian landscape, two legs kicking a football into a net. We would like to thank Lucy Annat for drawing the design, Janet Oliver and Fiona Parsons for … Read More

Silver Award

September 18, 2018By Uncategorized

Hartington C of E Primary School is proud to announce they have been awarded the Silver award again for their commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sports in 2017/2018 through the School Games initiative. Click to see certificate

Lea Green 2018

September 18, 2018By Uncategorized

On the final two days of term the whole school undertook their yearly visit to Lea Green for a residential stay. Hope you enjoy the gallery of photograph,  of the children enjoying some of the activities undertaken during their visit. Den building, Water slide, Stream scrambling, Cooperation games, Climbing room, Soft play and High ropes. … Read More


July 20, 2018By Uncategorized

As an end of year treat the Head teacher invited ‘Clever Cloggers’ back into school for a morning of building, coding and problem solving for the children. They worked collaboratively in teams to build catapults,  robots and programme vehicles to follow a pre-determined route to find the hidden treasure. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”51″ gal_title=”Clevercloggers”]   This was … Read More

Final Celebration Worship

July 20, 2018By Uncategorized

Friday 13th July saw the final collective worship in Church with parents, governors and the local community. The children performed a few songs from the ‘Sing2gether’ performance and read out their favourite piece of work from the last year. Also certificates were presented to acknowledge pupils achievements throughout the year. This was followed by community … Read More

SAT’s results

July 20, 2018By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 10th July the year 6 pupils eagerly awaited their SAT’s results. To their delight they had both done extremely well and we are all very proud of their achievements.  Well Done and Best Wishes for the next stage in your school career.