Easter Church Display

April 8, 2022By Uncategorized

The children’s corner in the church is up and ready for the Easter celebrations and services. Its title of ‘New life, New Beginings, New hope’ reflects not only the Easter Story but the emergence from the pandemic. The Church is now able to open its doors for friends and families to meet and the children … Read More

Easter Bunny

April 8, 2022By Uncategorized

  The Easter Bunny made his annual trip to the school, hiding eggs all around the grounds for the children to find. Thankfully the sun shone but luckily all the eggs were found before they melted. Following the Easter Egg hunt the children went to St Giles Church to deliver their Easter service to parents, … Read More

Water Safety

April 8, 2022By Uncategorized

Thursday 7th April the whole school underwent a ‘Water Safety’ presentation by Melanie Flude the Active Communities Manager for Derbyshire Dales.  This involved teaching them the dangers of open water and life skills, in time for the summer, to help keep them safe around water. This is particularly important and relevant for the children as … Read More

AAA – Silver Sports

April 8, 2022By Uncategorized

Monday 4th April saw the long awaited reunion of the ‘Silver Sports’ with their ‘Active Buddies’ for tea, cake and chat, face to face in school. It was lovely to see the children interacting with their Silver Sports discussing how and what they did to keep fit during the lock down nd since they had … Read More

Bemma Akyeampong

April 8, 2022By Uncategorized

Thursday 31st March we welcomed an old friend, virtually through ‘Teams’ into school. Bemma Akyeampong had been into school many years ago teaching African art and dance which resulted in a very flamboyant performance. She has now become a children’s author and shared with class one, her first book called ‘Ayuda’s messy rescue’. The session … Read More

Wild Flower Logo

March 31, 2022By Uncategorized

The children have been busy drawing, painting, colouring flowers, bees and butterflies to create a logo for the school and community wild flower project which the school initiated in 2021. This image will appear on all letter heads sent by the community regarding the project, which is now established and into its second year. The … Read More

Red Nose Day 2022

March 28, 2022By Uncategorized

Friday 18th March was Red Nose Day and all the children attended school wearing red,  some with the Head Teachers permission, had painted their nails red, applied washable red hair dye to their hair and painted their faces. During Collective Worship based around Comic Relief a year 6 pupil delivered a power point presentation to … Read More

Curriculum Music

March 15, 2022By Uncategorized

We are pleased to be able to welcome Rachel Wilkes from Music Partnership back into the school to deliver the music curriculum to EYFS, KS1 & KS2 children. They were overjoyed to see Rachel as her delivery of music is always fun and exciting helping them to understand rhythm and sound. Rachel is delivering five … Read More

Royal Mail stamp competition

March 15, 2022By Uncategorized

  Although the stamps that the children designed back in June 2021 for the Royal Mail ‘Heroes Stamp Collection’ were not amongst the winning entries chosen, they were absolutely delighted to have taken part in this momentous piece of history and being a part of it.   So you can imagine how thrilled they were to … Read More

MAST – March 2022

March 11, 2022By Uncategorized

‘The Lost Sheep’ Yet again another lovely rendition of a  story Jesus told delivered by Mr & Mrs Briddon from MAST. How wonderful it is for the children, to once again have the opportunity to learn through this engaging and interactive style of presentation. At the end of the performance the children were presented with … Read More