Lowfield School Visit

June 26, 2017By Uncategorized

Monday 19th June saw our friends from Lowfield School, Sheffield visit us again. The children enjoyed an interactive guided walk led by Rose Clarke, Area ranger for the Peak Park. Looking at a range of special qualities which make the Peak District National Park a unique National Park. Biodiversity – wildflowers and minibeasts/microhabitats Distinctive character … Read More

Three Dales Sports

June 23, 2017By Uncategorized

Friday 16th June saw Biggin, Monyash and Hartington come together at Biggin School for the annual Sports Day and luckily it stayed fine!   [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”39″ gal_title=”Sports Day 2017″] Please read the children’s thoughts on the day: Jacob Josh Ellie Sam Ruby Niamh  


June 7, 2017By Uncategorized

The school hosted an after school event to parents, staff and Governors to introduce them to the proposed scheme of work developed by CornerStones. This was received positively by all who attended and it was felt that the content would underpin the child centered ethos of the school whilst continuing to ensuring British Values and … Read More

Maypole 2017

June 7, 2017By Uncategorized

On Saturday 27th May the school continued their tradition of performing Maypole dancing at the Flower Festival. The theme this year was the Festival of Talent and the children surely demonstrated theirs when dancing their repertoire of steps. The audience were amazed but delighted to see how the children transformed a traditional art into something … Read More

Festival of Talents

June 7, 2017By Uncategorized

As part of the School’s continued work within the community they were pleased to add their contribution to the decorating of the church for this annual event.

KS2 teacher moves onto pastures new

June 6, 2017By Uncategorized

The children, staff and Governors bid a fond farewell to Mrs Rachel Gardner on the last day of term. They surprised her with a tea party and presented her with flowers, gifts and a card with their memories of her. We would all like to wish her every success in her new venture.

Traversing the Dark Peak

June 6, 2017By Uncategorized

Monday 22nd May 2017 [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”38″ gal_title=”Dark Peak”] What a fabulous day children and staff had when they visited the Dark Peak above Hathersage with Peak Park Rangers  Rose and Tom and Paul from the Moorlands Discovery Center. Living in and around Hartington the children were contrasting their locality in the White Peak against the … Read More

Rubbish here, Rubbish there, Rubbish is everywhere!

June 6, 2017By Uncategorized

Thursday 18th May 2017 The children in the key stage 1 classroom eagerly anticipated the visit to the Veolia Recycling Centre as part of their topic about caring for the environment. They enjoyed a guided tour around the centre and learning how the waste from their homes is sorted and then sent onto be re-used … Read More

Childcare Choices

May 16, 2017By Uncategorized

Calling all parents – new childcare offers launched by the government. You can now find a straightforward explanation of all government childcare support on the new Childcare Choices website: www.childcarechoices.gov.uk Also the link is available on the Useful Links page

End of SAT’s

May 12, 2017By Uncategorized

Year 6 pupils celebrated the end of SAT’s week  with a cake. The Head teacher,  staff and Governors  were impressed with their mature attitude towards the tests. The whole school are so proud of them.