Silver Award

September 19, 2017By Uncategorized

Hartington C of E Primary School has been awarded the Silver award for their commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sports in 2016/2017 through the School Games initiative. Click to see Certificate

Well Dressing – “May Pole”

September 12, 2017By Uncategorized

                                         The children and members of the community came together at the start of the Autumn term to undertake and complete the school well. This is a village tradition, that the school is proud to be … Read More

Lea Green

September 8, 2017By Uncategorized

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”43″ gal_title=”Lea Green 2017″] The summer term has finished with our annual residential visit to Lea Green. The whole school has undertaken many activities during their time at Lea Green on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th July. Orienteering, Archery, Stream Scrambling, Soft Play, Buggies, Bush Tucker trial, Low Ropes, Obstacle and Frisbee Golf. When … Read More

Y6 End of year trip

July 21, 2017By Uncategorized

On Thursday 13th July the three year 6 pupils, with Mrs Wildgoose and Mrs Flower set off for a day of fun to celebrate their SATS results and their transition to key stage three. The day started with an hour of bowling at Chesterfield Bowl, followed by lunch at McDonald’s then the cinema to see … Read More


July 18, 2017By Uncategorized

MAST presented a puppet assembly based on the story ‘The Women at the Well’  to the pupils on Friday 14th July. MAST have been regular visitors to our school over the past many years, presenting their puppet assemblies to our pupils, playing music and singing.  

Under Whitle visit

July 18, 2017By Uncategorized

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”42″ gal_title=”Under Whitle”] On Wednesday 12th July the whole school visited Under Whitle Farm, Sheen to pilot a trail devised from the ‘Peeling Back the Layers’ archaeological project. This has been put together by Dr Catherine Parker Heath , Elsbeth and Paul Walker. The trail has been design for educational visits and families visiting … Read More

A trip to the Himalayas

July 14, 2017By Uncategorized

In KS2 we have been learning all about mountains during this summer term. On Tuesday 11th July we spent an enjoyable and really informative morning when Mr Simon Watkinson, a professional photographer, came into school to talk to us about his travels through the Himalayas. It was fascinating to find out about the people of … Read More

Musical Performance

July 14, 2017By Uncategorized

On Friday 7th July the pupils entertained parents, governors and the community prior to Community Lunch with a performance of songs learned over the past few week with Rachel Wilkes from the Music Partnership. The songs were all linked to the topics taught in school over the past two terms: The Earth, creation, caring for … Read More

HYPAC Leader training

July 10, 2017By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 4th July, 6 key stage 2 children were invited to be ‘Guinea Pigs’ for 6 HYPAC young leaders who were working towards achieving their level 2 certificates in leading. The leaders led a P.E. session where the children were put through their paces with a warm up session, Tennis activities followed by a … Read More

E-Safety Presentation

June 26, 2017By Uncategorized

“Our Children are now more tech-savvy than ever. The average age a child uses the internet is 3!” Parents & Governors joined staff on Tuesday evening for an E-Safety awareness presentation. This was delivered by Dawn Monk & Karen Mycock (Healthy Child Assistant Practitioners) as part of the ‘Healthy School Community Award’. The session was … Read More