Recycling Clothes collection

May 1, 2019By Uncategorized

The PTA would like to thank everyone who donated old clothes to the recycling collection on Monday 29th April. We had a massive 243Kg which raised £72.90 for the PTA and £19.44 for the Fire Fighters Charity.       Thank you


April 24, 2019By Uncategorized

On Friday 12th April the school term ended with our traditional celebration worship in church. The children delivered a moving and inspirational rendition of the Easter Story told through poem and song.  Rev Benson concluded the Worship by saying  a blessing and congratulating the children on such a thought provoking service. As always this final … Read More

Help Raise Money

April 8, 2019By Uncategorized

Hartington School and the Fire Fighters Charity have joined forces to raise money. Please send into school any unwanted clothing, coats, paired shoes, underwear and belts in bags for collection on Monday 29th April. Bags can be brought in on Friday 12th April between 3 and 5pm or Monday 29th before 9am. Unfortunately they will … Read More

Open Centre – Derby

March 25, 2019By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 12th March the whole school visited the Open Centre at Derby this was to spring board our KS2 RE topic – What can be learned from the Muslim way of life? We were keen to explore the Derby Jamia Mosque and find out more about the Islamic way of life and also to find … Read More

World Book Day

March 13, 2019By Uncategorized

On Thursday 7th March the children came to school dressed as their favorite fictional character. These ranged from Super Heroes to Mary Poppins and Harry Potter to Thomas the Tank Engine. The children were eager to show off who they had dressed as and their reasons why. As part of the day and celebrating Shrove … Read More

Active Across Ages

March 13, 2019By Active Across Ages

We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to be invited to take part in this ground breaking pilot project. Working alongside one of our partner secondary schools Anthony Gell. Hartington hosted leader training for the students taking part on Wednesday 6th March. The project is being funded by the Youth Sports Trust and will involve older and … Read More

Goat Appeal

March 13, 2019By Uncategorized

On Friday 15th February the children held their termly Celebration Worship where they shared individual pieces of work with parents, governors and members of the community. This was followed by Community Lunch, a raffle and bingo to raise further funds for our Goat Appeal which is supporting our friends in Uganda. The school is in … Read More

Collective Worship Training

March 13, 2019By Uncategorized

On Wednesday 13th February Year 5 and 6 children  from Elton, Biggin and Hartington Schools worked together for a morning of activities, discussion and reflection. This was  led by Alison Brown the Deputy Diocesan Director of Education. The focus of the morning was Collective Worship and the activities planned by Alison gave the children the … Read More

Rhema Theatre

February 26, 2019By Uncategorized

On Friday 8th February the whole school took a trip to Biggin school for a Internet safety morning. The two schools enjoyed three 15 minute theatre shows performed by the Rhema company showing the children how to stay safe in possible difficult situations when using the internet. The children then divided into KS1, upper and … Read More