Willow Weaving with the ‘Silver Sports’

October 7, 2019By Active Across Ages

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”57″ gal_title=”Willow Weaving”]   During the next few months’ the children- Active Buddies- will be delivering the second part of the Inter-Generational Project initiated earlier this year with the “Silver Sports”. The first activity was focused on “Willow Weaving”; the whole school as part of the Ambassador Schools project in unison with National Park … Read More

Well Dressing

September 23, 2019By Active Across Ages

The children along with members of the local community and AAA project ‘Silver Sports’ all helped to produce this years well. The theme this year was ‘Taking care of our Environment’        following on from work undertaken on the ‘John Muir Award’. Donations were received totaling £41.83. This will be donated to Ashbourne … Read More

Lea Green 2019

July 29, 2019By Uncategorized

Our annual trip to Lea Green on 18/19th July got off to a great start as the sun was shinning as we sped on our merry way to Lea. The children and staff were all so excited and couldn’t wait to take on the challenges that lay ahead! Unfortunately the weather broke on the second … Read More

Bright Futures

July 26, 2019By Uncategorized

On Tuesday 16th July the children participated in the programming and building of robots. This enrichment activity was designed to support the children working collaboratively in team building exercises to solve problems the facilitator from Bright Futures presented them with.  The children had a great time and said what a supper way it was to … Read More

May Pole in July!

July 26, 2019By Uncategorized

The final Community Lunch for the school year was held on Friday 12th July. This was preceded by Collective Worship at St Giles Church with a theme of ‘Endings’. The Worship was thoroughly enjoyed by all the congregation despite it being the final Church Worship for the year six pupils.  Following the lunch cooked by … Read More

Moving on

July 26, 2019By Uncategorized

The year 6 pupils received their SAT’s results and were both delighted with the outcome. A small celebration was undertaken by the entire school who wholeheartedly commended their bulking mass performance. This was followed by a ‘Memories Assembly’ where members of the year six families were invited to listen to the pupil and staff’s memories … Read More


July 8, 2019By Uncategorized

Biggin and Hartington KS2 children joined together in Biggin Village Hall on Monday June 17th for a session of “Cheerfest” delivered by Megan Hambly a dance teacher from QEGS. The brightly coloured Tinsel Pom-Poms were distributed , the children standing in rows were eagerly anticipating the start of the session. The sequence of movements were … Read More

AAA – ‘Silver Sports’

June 21, 2019By Active Across Ages

Back in my day! – Hartington School is one of ten schools nationally taking part in a unique intergenerational sport project.  We have been chosen to participate in the pilot Youth Sports Trust (YST) ‘Active Across Ages (AAA),’ Project. School pupils in Hartington are joining forces with elderly local residents to help boost physical, mental and … Read More

Archdeacon & Bishop visits

June 21, 2019By Uncategorized

On Friday 24th May we were delighted to welcome Archdeacon Carol from Chesterfield  to our Celebration Worship, Maypole demonstration, Community Lunch and launch of the AAA project.  The service in St Giles Church, led by the children, was delivered to a “full house”- the culmination a blessing and prayer by Archdeacon Carol. Following the worship … Read More