Ambassadors School

On Tuesday 14th July, representatives from The National Peak Park and Rose Clark attended school to present the pupils and school with the  Ambassadors School certificate for work undertaken over a period of a year. Most of the work undertaken, to achieve this award, was completed prior to the Covid pandemic therefore the school was unable to receive the  certificates and resources donated by sponsoring companies. Unfortunately, one third of the school were off with chicken pox so missed the presentation and photo shoot!

The school has been lucky enough to receive recyclable water bottles, waterproof jackets, trousers and wellingtons for out-door activities, litter pickers and a recyclable rubbish bag for litter picking. We have also received a resources box, to support field work , which includes specimen bottles, magnifying glasses, bug  recognition cards etc.

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Tues 4thMAST ~ Hannah Wills
Thurs 6th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Fri 14th – Break for Half Term
Mon 24th – Spring Term 2 begins
Wed 26th – Bemma Book Day KS1
Thurs 27th – Whole School First Aid Training

Tues 4th – Pancake Day
Thurs 6th – Macclesfield Forest Trip
Fri 7th – World Book Day
Fri 14th – Schools Together
Thurs 20th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Tues 25th – MAST ~ Hannah Wills

Fri 4th – Maypole, Easter Egg Hunt & Bonnet Competition

Break for Easter school re-opens Wednesday 23rd April 2025