Bird Boxes

It was with delight we were informed we had been selected to receive a pair of bird boxes handmade by Brindley Timberworks as part of the Little Wings initiative.

‘Little Wings’ was an initiative set up by (Ben) from  Brindley Timberworks with the intention of reintroducing nature into children’s lives, and also showing support for the great local community.

Through the Little Wings initiative, Brindley Timberworks would donate 2 birdboxes to 25 nurseries and primary schools within the Peak District and High Peak area.

Access to nature is something that has been limited somewhat over the past year as a result of national lockdowns and the temporary closing of schools across the country. We also know how important the outdoor environment is to younger children, and the countless health benefits access to nature brings.

Brindley Timberworks is helping bring nature to children, with the birdhouses serving as essential access points between the children and the natural world.

As a father with a keen interest in the outdoors and nature, this was  something very close to Ben’s heart. During the last year or so, children’s everyday routines have been turned upside-down with more screen time for completing schoolwork or for entertainment and we need to bring back that link to the natural environment.

Therefore  Brindley Timberworks invited both members of the community, as well as local leaders to nominate a school or nursery to receive the boxes and much to our surprise we were chosen to be a recipient of these wonderful bird boxes.

Thank you to Brindley Timberworks for this wonderful donation.

Bird boxes



Tues 4thMAST ~ Hannah Wills
Thurs 6th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Fri 14th – Break for Half Term
Mon 24th – Spring Term 2 begins
Wed 26th – Bemma Book Day KS1
Thurs 27th – Whole School First Aid Training

Tues 4th – Pancake Day
Thurs 6th – Macclesfield Forest Trip
Fri 7th – World Book Day
Fri 14th – Schools Together
Thurs 20th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Tues 25th – MAST ~ Hannah Wills

Fri 4th – Maypole, Easter Egg Hunt & Bonnet Competition

Break for Easter school re-opens Wednesday 23rd April 2025