Easy to Use Interface.

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Learn More

Parallax Backgrounds

Easily create sections that have a parallax background using the Page Builder.

Custom Colors

You can set custom colors for just about every aspect of the theme, giving you the ability to create truly unique websites.

Page Builder

Bramble comes with a page builder that allows you to create pages exactly how you want.

One-click Demo Import

Use the one-click demo import to start with the beautiful layouts you see here in the demo.

One Page Navigation

Set up your main navigation to scroll to different sections on a single page. Includes navigation highlighting as you scroll.

Contact Forms

Full compatibility with the awesome Contact Form 7 plugin is baked right in to Create.

What People Are Saying

Affordable Prices

This is an example of a pricing table. It is super easy to create using the pricing table widget.


3 Users

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Unlimited Options

3 Users

3 Mb Storage

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Tues 2nd – MAST Hannah Wills am
Weds 3rd – NSPCC “Speak out, Stay Safe”
Thurs 11th – Final Church Service
Thurs 11th – Community Lunch 12.15pm in School
Mon 15th – Lea Green Trip -Whole School
Thurs 18th – Leaver’s Assembly
Fri 19th – Cadbury’s World – Whole School
Mon 22nd – INSET
Tues 23rd – INSET