Hartington pupils have faith

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Students at Hartington C of E Primary School have been enjoying a week-long celebration of different religions and cultures.

The school hosted a light themed Multi-Faith Week for students to learn more about religious communities including Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and Chinese cultures.

Students learnt about the sacred symbols of different faiths and the unique festivals and services held by religious groups. Diwali is the Hindu Festival of Light and Jewish people commemorate Hanukkah where they celebrate eight days of light.

Pupils also gave a short presentation on the origins of the Chinese New Year to visitors at the popular Community Lunch event held on Friday, 13th February. They explained the characteristics of each sacred animal and ended by wishing everyone ‘Kung Hei Fat Choi’ – Happy New Year. This was organised by the School Council.

Key Stage 2 Teacher, Mrs Rachel Gardner said: “We are a small, rural Christian school and pupils are very much interested in other faiths, so it’s vital that they learn all about them through interactive, creative lessons and fun activities. We live with the Christian views to love and respect thy neighbour and learn from each other. The children really enjoyed exploring the culture and diversities of different religions.”

Chairman of the School Governors, Sarah Lacey said: “Being a Church School with a strong Christian ethos can only benefit the children as they learn about the other great world faiths. The work they have done has deepened their understanding and apperception of other people whose faith is different from our own but just as sincere.

Pupil, Jacob Blackwell, 8, said: “I loved learning about how poorly people make pilgrimages to Lourdes in France where Jesus’ mum, The Virgin Mary, was seen by Bernadette.”




Tues 22nd – 8.30am Tempest Photo’s Families & Individual
Tues 22nd – 11am Flu Immunisation
Thurs 24th – Governors Mtg 4.30pm
Fri 25th – 8.30am Tempest Photo’s Families & Individual
Fri 25th – Break for Half Term

Mon 4th – Back to school
Sat 9th – School Christmas Fair
Fri 22nd – Schools Together

Fri 29th – MAST Assembly

Thurs 12th – Nativity 6pm followed by Pie & Peas at the Village Hall
Mon 16th – Chester Zoo Visit
Weds 18th – Panto Buxton Opera House – Jack & the Beanstalk
Thurs 19th – Christmas Dinner
Fri 20th – Christmas Party then break for Christmas Holidays