Tuesday 21st of January 2025
This morning we were joined in school by Hannah Wills, to deliver our worship.
After previously focusing on the Old Testament, today’s focus was on the beginning of the New Testament – The Light of the World Jesus was born! Throughout the Old Testament the expectation was building and building to the coming of Jesus being born, as the children had previously learnt with Hannah.
All the children were involved in today’s worship. We had Angel Gabriel and the shepherds, with the rest of the children being a heavenly host of angels. The star was displayed as the spotlight on Jesus, lighting the way for Him as He came to earth. As the angels appeared to the shepherds they said, “Glory to God! To God be fame and honor and all our hoorays.”
A great start to the stories of the New Testament.
To end her visit Hannah then focused on some of the questions that the children had raised after the last ‘School’s together’ gathering, at St. Giles Church in Hartington, where they looked at Elizabeth’s story. This was a lovely conclusion to this part of the Christmas story.