World Book Day!

Children’s love and enjoyment of reading is always evident on World Book Day and this year was no exception.

On Thursday 7th March the staff and children were invited to dress in any book character they liked and admired then to take a photograph of themselves reading in an unusual place!

‘Katie Kitchen’ dressed as an ‘OOMPA LUMPA’ from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl and served Golden Wonka bars for dessert. They tasted incredible!

The day was filled with reading, story-telling and talking about different favourite characters and stories. What an inspirational day it was and how wonderful to see and listen to children immersing themselves into new stories and adventures.

One of the teachers was heard to say, ‘Books can be the gateway to knowledge, imagination and adventure. What a wonderful way to learn!’




Mon 3rd – INSET Day
Tues 4th – Tempest Group Photos
Tue 18th – National Park Ranger Day – Whittle Farm day trip
Wed 19th – MAST Hannah Wills am
Thurs 20th – Schools Together
Mon 24th – INSET Day
Tues 25th – Eyam Collective Worship Y2 & Y3
Tues 2nd – MAST Hannah Wills am
Weds 3rd – NSPCC “Speak out, Stay Safe”
Thurs 11th – Community Lunch 12.15pm in School
Mon 15th – Lea Green Trip -Whole School
Tues 16th – Music Concert TBC